Ready for creative control? 

Grow your audience, write consistently, and build a platform for your writing future.

The 6 -Module Course to double your subscribers.
Instant Access. Keep Forever.

Hello, lovely writer!

Let me guess, you have a great newsletter, podcast, business, or book that you know people will love.

The hard part: Getting people to subscribe, buy, or read your work.

That's great news! Well, it probably doesn't feel great, but there are lots of people out there and lots of ways to grow your audience.

Without posting on social media every day, getting on Threads, or trying some weird marketing thing that feels like crap.  

Sure, sharing your work or constantly promoting might make you feel "annoying" or "like an a-hole."

Thankfully, you're not an a-hole.

You're a delight who wants to share their work with the people that need it.

And you can use your natural creativity to attract that people that love what you do.

All without skeezy-feeling sales or fake influencer #ad energy. 

Whether you're...

  • A newsletter writer who wants more sign ups (and doesn't want to feel gross for asking) 
  • A fiction writer trying to build a platform to sell your books 
  • A coach/business owner who wants to grow their client base without feeling like a ShamWow salesman 

You're in the right place!

Imagine sitting down to write and knowing there's an audience already there, waiting to hear from you.

An audience excited about to get your book, sign up for coaching, or join your class.

A group of fans you love your writing and want to give you money!

That sounds like creative freedom right?

It is!

All you have to do is grow your audience in a way that feels fun, creative, and like an extension of what you already do well.

That all happens in… 

Double Your Subscribers

The 6-Module Course to Grow Your Audience & Build a Platform For Your Writing Career 

- Lessons are pre-recorded, so you can watch whenever.
- Instant access so you can get things done.
- Bonus lessons on how to make money with your newsletter (beyond saying "hey, give me $5 for more writing)
- Guide & templates to create a welcome sequence that makes people fans even faster
- A complete bonus course on how to sell free & paid workshops! I made $2000 from my first workshop (when I had 77 subscribers). And lots more since then.You'll see how to set up a free workshop, how it can grow your audience & lead to sales, the simplest tech needed to set everything up, and ways to run paid workshops that make money and leave your students happy.

Plus, you get my exact sales email sequence that sold 184 membership (which led to $8000 that money and over $30,000 all far)

The sales sequence and Workshops Course is easily worth $1000 (I've made over $100,000 a year with those tools). But, it fits so well with this audience building course, it's included for free.

Are $100K results guaranteed? No. It's worked for me, but it doesn't always work so fast for everyone.

But it will give you a new stream of income, a fun way to market your skills, and definitely a bigger audience.

Double Your Subscribers is all digital. So you can start today!

 "Amber packs so much valuable content into all of her courses, and is so supportive of both new and more established writers! Trust me, she is the best teacher you could ask for."

Wendi Gordon

The next 6 weeks, we focus on
Growing Your Audience.

By the end of the course, you'll have...

  • 5 new ways to promote your newsletter (spoiler: it’s not Facebook ads) 
  • A sustainable marketing plan (and you won’t think it’s gross) 
  • A freebie that’s easy to share and attracts even more subscribers 
  • Double the number of subscribers you have right now

Bonus Marketing Courses:
You'll also find out how to do a welcome sequence (with a fill-in-the-blanks template), write a sales email sequence (and see the one that made $8,000 in 5 days), and how to make money with your newsletter.

Bonus Free & Paid Workshop Course:
Find out how to run free workshops, how to make money from them, and everything you need to run paid workshops that people can't wait to take.

Who Should NOT Take This Class?

To make sure I don't waste your time, if these sound like you, the class might not be a good fit.

  • If you need money from your newsletter right away: Yes, a newsletter can bring in a lot of money…but not immediately. This is a long game, if you need a short game solution, this class isn't for you. 
  • If you don't have a newsletter or email list in place. You need to have at least a way for people to sign up for your email list (or Substack), since I this course does not cover email list setup.
  • If you know everything about list building, email marketing, and already have a thriving newsletter - you don’t need this. 
  • If you won’t promote your work: Are you hesitant/worried/feeling nauseous about promoting your work? That’s fine. Most writers don’t get into writing for the marketing fun. But if you aren’t willing to be a little uncomfortable and get coaching and support to get through that discomfort, then this class is a miss. 
  • If you're an a-hole. My classes are full of dreamboats, supportive people, so jerks need not apply. 

This course is made to Save Time & Get It Done

This isn’t a class where you sit back, listen to some lessons, and think “great, I know exactly what to do. Now, I’ll clean out that weird closet I’ve never cared about and not revisit this for 6 months.”

In this self-paced program, you’ll actively build your audience, week by week.
The tasks are small but powerful.
And the timeline is quick to get things off the ground and not get lost in overthinking.
Get support through stumbling blocks, "who wants to read this" critical voice attacks, and the odd emotional and technical headaches that come with something new.

Learning how to promote your work is key for creative freedom/cash for your words. When marketing isn’t a nightmare for you, you’re ahead of 75% of writers out there.
I made up that stat, but it feels right.

 "I got a huge mindset shift, courtesy of Amber. The last couple of months, writing and growing my Substack, have felt energizing and creative in a way that I SUPER needed, after some previous publishing drama. And I knew that I didn't need that book deal to move forward with my creative/career goals.
Now, I have a completely new mindset about perfection, a fun writing practice, and a couple hundred newsletter subscribers I definitely didn't have before, all courtesy of Amber Petty! 

Micaela Blei 

Oh look, a whole bonus course!
Create & Sell Free & Paid Workshops

Want to do a webinar that's fun and sells? Wish you could fill your workshops? Have lots to teach, but have no idea how to do it?

Find out all these answers in Create & Sell Free & Paid Workshops.

This is 3 years of running successful workshops packed into one fun-to-watch course.

You'll find out...

  • All the tech you need (spoiler: it's not much and it's as simple as possible)
  • How to make your free workshop helpful for your students and helpful to your wallet.
  • Why free workshops bring in the best subscribers.
  • A complete breakdown of my best selling webinars.
  • A complete breakdown of my best selling emails.
  • The mistakes so many people make with workshops, that you can completely avoid from day one.

Basically, this a complete curriculum on email marketing and making money with online workshops & course.

Similar courses charge $1000 - $2000 for this stuff.

You get it as a free bonus.

Because selling workshops is incredibly hard without an audience. So, when you learn to double your subscribers, you also learn how to potentially double your income.

Fun fact: The first year of my newsletter and courses, I literally doubled my full-time income from my copywriting job (I made $110,000 in my first year, so much more than I made with any former job).

Double Your Subscribers: Self-Study
The live rounds are $1950.
But Self-Study is only... 



  • $250 a month for 4 months
  • $1000 total

One-Time Fee


  • Pay once and never again
  • Save $1!

What happy students said...

"A great platform for my memoir"

"I'm getting positive feedback for all my newsletter posts. It's already a great platform for my upcoming memoir."

Anna Dao

"Capable and confident"

"I feel so much more capable and confident! My newsletter doesn't feel like big a deal in a really good way.   And most importantly, it still feels fun!"

Jess Beachkofsky

"Built a community around my business"

"My newsletter built a community around my business. That's something I've been trying to do for a long time, but never knew how and never managed to do. It's made me and my clients feel more connected."

Lou Piccolo

Hello, I'm Amber Petty!

I’m Amber Petty and after being an actor for 13 years in New York, I got tired of waiting for auditions to play “girl who’s unpleasantly surprised by scale” in Weight Watchers commercials, moved to LA, and started freelance writing.

8 years later, I write full-time, have appeared in The New York Times, Thrillist, Greatist, Parade, IFC, MTV, Bustle, Syfy Wire, and Snooki’s blog (jealous?).

Plus, I've helped over 900 students start writing and get bylines.

 I've seen very talented people start a newsletter, wonder why they can't get subscribers, and quit in a rage after issue 4

I, too, started and bailed on two newsletters.
It seemed overwhelming, I had 20 people reading on a good day, and felt like I was annoying everyone.
So, I went back to hiding in comfy blankets and thinking "why does that weirdo have a popular newsletter, while no one cares about me?"
Thankfully, my pissy attitude ceased and I found a topic I could write a lot about, that was very helpful to people, and I wound up with 2000 subscribers in a year (with under $500 in ads).
In year 2 1/2, I'm up to 8500 subscribers, have very high open rates (53%), and I've sent 1 million emails.
Literally. 1 million!

Through this consistency, I've found greater confidence in my business, my writing, and even my dumbest ideas.
I mean, I wrote a book of short stories about Cats, simply because I knew someone in my growing audience would be interested (also, I just really wanted to write things about Cats, the terrible show fascinates me).
Having an audience to show up for helps your writing immensely. Not only do you get more practice, you get to explore your own voice, and share your ideas without waiting around for a gatekeeper's approval.
Plus, hearing "you're great," "I love getting your emails," and "I just bought your thing!" feels pretty good.

 "Amber helped me so much! I was able to get over my roadblocks. I realized through the workshop that I had so many ideas simply because I was encouraged by Amber to think differently about writing and the time I had for it."

Jaclyn Roessel

Week 1: Another 10 Subscribers

  • Hone in on why people want to read your newsletter (spoiler: there are lots of good reasons).
  • Get new ways to get 10 more quick subscribers.

Week 2: Freebie

  • What is a freebie? And why do you want one. Find out!
  • Get a list with lots of freebie possibilities (one is a karaoke party, so it’s not your normal list).

Week 3: Newsletter Swaps

  • Find out about newsletter swaps and the best way to find them.
  • Learn why unsubscribes are inevitable and not a big deal.

Week 4: Nice Networking

  • Find out how to “nice network” (it doesn’t involve any conferences or Zooms with strangers).
  • Keep building your freebie and get through the common tech troubles.

Week 5: Ads

  • Find out why it’s worth spending a little money on ads (even if it’s just $25). Facebook ads are not part of this.
  • Get a list of proven places to advertise (that got me over 3000 subscribers).

Week 6: Share Your Freebie & Keep Growing

  • Launch your freebie!
  • Find out how to make a plan to keep the newsletter going, growing, and eventually making money.

Plus, these money-making bonuses!

How to Make Money with Your Newsletter
"Hey, do you want to give me $5 for slightly more writing" is only one option to monetize your newsletter.
In this bonus module, you'll find out how subscriptions, selling products, selling courses, selling books,
offering memberships, services, coaching, and other things you can offer to your happy audience.
Plus, get tools to help you not underprice yourself and ways to make selling feel far less gross.

How to Make a Welcome Sequence
In 3 short emails, you can turn a reader into a friend.
Well, not a real life friend, but a newsletter friend. As in. a friend who can wait to read your work.
This bonus module shows you how to create a welcome sequence that makes your audience feel at home. 
Plus, get fill-in-the-blank templates so you aren't starting from scratch.

Understand Your Numbers
A quick lesson on what all the email numbers mean.
Find out what to look at and what doesn't really matter, all sans overwhelm.
Don't be worried because I said the word numbers! This is simple and helps you understand your audience even better.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now! Get instant access to the course and keep all the material forever.

No! This is a self-study class, so there are no live calls, Slack group, or personal feedback. If you'd like more live accountability, check out the next live round of the class (Spring 2024).

Yes - or at least an email list. This course won't tell you how to set up an email list, so you need a Substack or a sign up page with Convertkit, MailerLite, or another email server to get the most from the class.

About 2 hours a week! You will want to work every week to get your newsletter going, but you don't need to spend a billion hours. Some weeks, you may want more than 3 hours, but generally 1-2 hours a week to spend on your newsletter is great.

No! Only one of my promotional options involves social media. So if that's not your bag, you can skip that tiny portion and still find lots of ways to promote your newsletter.

Email me at Ask me anything you like!

Oh, and there's a 7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Within the first week, if you find the class isn't giving you what you need tod grow your audience, then you get your money back.
Just email within 7 days of purchase and you'll get a 100% refund.
If this isn't obviously valuable to you, I don't want you to waste your time!

Double Your Subscribers



  • $250 a month for 4 months
  • $1000 total

One-Time Fee


  • Pay once and never again
  • Save $1!

 "It is no exaggeration that this class changed my life! It took my lifelong dream of becoming a writer and gave me the tools, accountability, feedback, and encouragement I needed to make my dream come true."

Risa Harms

You're great!

Writing is never easy, but developing an audience through my newsletter has been the best part of my career so far.

It's brought me new opportunities, students, and writing to look forward to every week.

Through my newsletter, I've even learned to like promoting myself. As the person who used to whisper "hey could you come to my show, actually nevermind it's a bother," that's a huge deal.

You may not like promoting yourself, but this class will change the way you think about marketing your work and building your fanbase.

Even if you don't take the class, I can't wait to see what you put out there.

- Amber Petty

P.S. - Enjoy my dance class photo from 1993. It's unrelated, but proves my loves of sparkles goes back a ways.

Double Your Subscribers



  • $250 a month for 4 months
  • $1000 total

One-Time Fee


  • Pay once and never again
  • Save $1!