The world is crazy. Your writing is not.
If you keep writing through 2025, you could have:
- More published bylines
- A thriving newsletter
- 100s or 1000s of new subscribers
- People who can't wait to read your work
- An audience that wants to pay you
- A platform to support your creative career
Get the only yearlong program that guides you through the ebbs and flows of a weird year, while your writing stays front and center.
All without decision fatigue or burnout.
But a renewed sense of purpose and pride in the platform that will serve you for years to come.
Starts March 15th
2 Payments of $500
You're in the right place!
"It's hard to describe how much I value the work that Amber does. I'm transitioning between teaching and writing and honestly, I was starting to think that it just wasn't going to happen for me. However, you've helped to restore my faith. Now, I know I'm going to write, or at least give it everything I have.
- Jo Steer
Got a byline in Huffington Post a week after this email
You're such a good writer, it's stupid.
A weird compliment, but true.
And more people should about you.
Sadly, you don't have the support staff of Beyonce or a magical time device to let you work 50 hours a day.
Thankfully, you don't need a Bey-level team or magic time.
You just need a map, clarity, and accountability.
Imagine writing a newsletter, making a carousel post, or asking to be featured on a podcast...with no freakout.
You know exactly what to do and time on the calendar to do it.
The only nerves are your excitement of being in front of so many future fans and seeing your bylines, subscriber numbers, and sales go up.
That's what happens in...
It’s always so hard for me to really focus in any way that’s productive. I have so many interests and things that I think would be awesome, but then fizzle out when it comes to figuring it out. The Pitching Hour gave me focus and made the whole process easier.”
- Madeline Rae
In the Pitching Hour Supreme, you'll get...
A Yearlong Membership to the Pitching Hour ($500), which includes:
12 Months of Supreme Support ($999), which includes:
"Pitching Hour is the place to get help on your pitches, help with marketing for your content, and help with finding the time to write. I haven’t done many sessions yet, but loved that I wrote a rough draft of an essay during one."
- Sumita Mukherji
Accountability & Community for a Year of Writing
Who is the Pitching Hour NOT for?
This might not be the right fit if you...
" Pitching Hour is a constant source of motivation and reinforcement.
I gain inspiration from every session and feel like the other members of the Pitching Hour community are truly my friends, whom I can trust with my questions, fears, and dilemmas regarding this industry.
I've completed a manuscript for a coffee table book on art and a children's book since I joined The Pitching Hour - both commissioned by a high-end hotel client - and landed my first publishing contract for a book I'm currently working on.
Joining the membership is a no-brainer for any writer. Regardless of your genre, actual occupation in the field, or aspirations, you will gain wisdom and insight from this group, and it always, always leaves you feeling better than when you first logged on. "
Julie Peck
It's hard to imagine March 2026, since it feels like 14 years have passed since January 2025. It's an unstable, bizarre time.
And you probably felt the push and pull of wanting to write, feeling like it doesn't matter, getting distracted by the news, wanting to write...and on and on it goes.
When things are so nuts, it's hard to make time for your writing and even harder to motivate yourself to promote and share it.
But it's the most important time to do just that.
Your work will do everything from making a stranger smile to actually shape someone's life.
At the bare minimum, every single thing you write, post, or share is one moment where someone doesn't have to look at Elon's dumb face. That's already a blessing.
Growing your platform and career takes time and energy.
Things in short supply.
With Pitching Hour Supreme, you get a map to help you navigate.
Accountability to keep writing your priority.
And simple, creative ways to keep getting eyes on your work without adding 57 more to-dos.
Clarity, support, and community to cheer you on.
A stable, secure place to turn all year long.
No matter what.
It won't take a year to see results.
But by the end of the year, you'll feel accomplished, creatively satisfied, and so proud that you truly did the thing for real.
Not in a "hustle every day" type way.
But in a "this is an easy part of my week" kind of deal.
I can't promise results.
But here are some things that happened to other Pitching Hour members.
They've been published everywhere from Vogue, Huffington Post, Business Insider, the Wall Street Journal, the New Yorker, Nat Geo, and more.
People are starting and growing newsletters.
One member just created an entirely new business plan after only a few month in the membership.
You could sell 3 articles and make all your money back for the program. Or you might sell coaching or workshops and make that in a day! All things members have done.
The chances of making your money back (and more) is high.
Yet, everyone will be focusing on different goals, the world is extra weird, so it's BS to make any hard promises.
But, there's one thing I can guarantee - If you commit to writing and marketing regularly, you'll feel amazing. Maybe not every day!
But you'll feel the relief of really going after your goals. No more "I should be doing more." Nope. You'll feel confident and satisfied.
It's one huge worry taken off your shoulders. In a world of worries, that alone is worth the price.
"I gave this a try because I was just so tired of being in my own way :( Discovering that editors are not furious with me for daring to pitch them, has improved my confidence. The presentations and exercises were great and Amber, you are just so reassuring."
- Amanda Marples
I’m a writer for the New York Times, Thrillist, Greatist, Bustle, MTV, IFC, and a bunch more (including Snooki’s blog, jealous?).
More importantly, I’ve worked with over 1000 students and helped them get bylines in Huffington Post, Vox, Vulture, the Washington Post, Thrillist, Insider, Buzzfeed, the Wall Street Journal, and a whole bunch more. And I've worked with hundreds of students to help them start newsletters, grow their audience, and promote their work without feeling gross about it.
In late 2020, I offered a free workshop and started a newsletter. I had 77 people on my list and that was enough the keep me writing every week.
In January 2021, I launched my first course. By the end of that year, I left my copywriting job and doubled what I made.
Since then, I've made at least $150,000 every year and have a newsletter with 11,000 subscribers.
And I used to the the person that would rather stab herself in the eye that promote anything I did.
Now? I like marketing. I know!
But I really do. Because I figured out a way to make it enjoyable. An extension of my creativity.
Case in point, I used a Simpsons meme on a sales page. Why? Because it makes me happy and helps my point.
Growing an audience is miraculous. And getting there can be just as enjoyable as your writing.
I'll help you keep your creative skills and what you want to do the top priority. When you fit marketing around your creativity (instead of vice versa), it makes everything easier.
And it gets even easier the more people say "I love your work" and "take my money!"
Sara runs the co-working sessions and gives pitch feedback during our Wednesday calls. Which is so lucky for you!
In addition to being a literal lit scholar, Sara is a regular writer for the New York Times and has also written for the Guardian, the Washington Post, Smithsonian, National Geographic, and more.
Sara is a working journalist who graces us with her presence (Sara did not write, this by the way, these are my personal feelings) and adds insights into what's going on in the industry right now.
That way, you get the most up to date information and a second opinion. Because, unlike what my brain says, I'm not always right. And Sara is there to bring her expertise to make your work even better.
Remember, that's just half of what you get with Pitching Hour Supreme.
Thanks so much for the Pitching Hour. It's super helpful. I couldn’t attend live but I watched the recordings and am about to send out a pitch to Teen Vogue (which is super exciting and I don’t think I could have done it without your class!).
Gaining more confidence and knowledge with each session. Pitching Hour is like having an encouraging best friend who offers weekly accountability. Even though it's virtual I feel like I've been served a delicious and comforting muffin.
Besides the personalized feedback from Amber and Sara, the camaraderie is very inspiring! I love hearing other people's pitches, their challenges, and their yays. Since I started, I've been publishing a consistent newsletter with 325 readers and a good open rate, and landed a spot on a podcast talking about death.
It's an hour of creativity and collaboration. Hearing the contributions of those participating helps sharpen and hone my own writing.
So many good questions and responses come up in the sessions that my writing efforts are invigorated. I look forward to the sessions every week.
"Writing can be a lonely venture!
The Pitching Hour community offers a way for writers from across the country (and world!) to celebrate successes, commiserate on the inevitable rejections and share insights that would be hard to get otherwise. And the accountability is HUGE!
Just putting out my intentions is so helpful as it makes me want to follow through and not let them (or myself!) down.
Having weekly (or more!) calls with amazing writers (and people!) is what makes the Pitching Hour so great. Well and Amber of course because she's awesome!
- Laura Niebauer
The Pitching Hour is every Wednesday at Noon PDT/ 3pm EDT/ 8pm UK for 90 minutes.I know that's more than an hour. But I added a Produce & Promote Section to grow your audience, so now it's longer. You can come and go any time and there are recordings for everything.
Every Friday at 8am PT/ 11am ET/ 4pm UK. These are hosted by Sara Murphy.
The first call will be Saturday March 15th at 10am PT/ 1pm ET/ 6pm UK. I'll be 3 hours (though it may be shorter depending on what people need). But, it's a chance to really work out what you want to work on and everyone will get personal attention. This will also be recorded! The other calls haven't been scheduled yet, but they'll likely be on Saturdays every 4-ish months.
These are challenges to help spread the word of your greatness. They'll range from making a freebie, ways to save time posting on social media, a Money Month, a video month, things like that. You'll always have an option to do a relaxed version, which will still keep your momentum going but not wear you out.
No! It's great if you can make the quarterly calls, but Pitching Hour isn't meant for you to go to every week without fail. Because that's not how life works. If you can come to 1 session live a month, that's great. If you come to more, even better! But I don't expect anyone to make every single call. And you always have the recordings to catch anything you might have missed.
It's all on Zoom and email. We'll meet live on Zoom and I'll send reminders via email. No Facebook group or other weird social media platform to learn. You'll get access to a platform with all the videos and recordings and click a link to join live.
It's $999 for the year or 2 payments of $500.
Pitching Hour is a monthly membership with weekly group calls and co-working sessions. Pitching Hour Supreme is a yearlong program where you get an annual membership to Pitching Hour and you also get more support. Quarterly calls, monthly challenges, and email coaching. If you want to see what it's like, you can join Pitching Hour on a monthly basis for $50 (or $500 for the year). Right now, Pitching Hour Supreme is just for people who want the yearlong commitment (which is $999 or 2 payments of $500).
Pitching Hour Supreme is better with an email list. If you just want to focus on pitching and getting that kind of freelance work, check out regular Pitching Hour. Now, if you don't mind starting a newsletter during the year - great! Supreme will help you get started and grow.
No! If you're a fiction writer or any kind of writer wanting to sell books, I can help with that. But I don't have experience with query letters or getting a literary agent, so I can't help you there.
No! All the videos will be recorded and sent to you right after the live.
90 - 120 minutes a week. You could do more, though most weeks, it would be a max of around 3 hours a week. But you'll get a lot done even if you just come to the Wednesday calls and do a little extra for the monthly challenges.
You'll either be charged once (if you pay $999) or once in March ($500) and the second payment will go through in April ($500)
If you come to the March 15th meeting and this isn't your cup of tea, you can get a refund by March 22nd. After that, no refunds. Sorry.
You can email me! Email and I’ll answer anything!
Just pick your plan and press the pretty pink button below!
It's like tacos. Regular is good. Supreme is better.